New East Digital Archive

Follow of the week: dreams illustrated

Follow of the week: dreams illustrated

11 August 2017

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Listening to people talk about their dreams might be boring, but seeing them illustrated makes them suddenly fascinating.

People say that even though it’s fun to retell your dreams to people, it’s usually not as interesting to listen — unless you were featured in the dream, that is. The Instagram account @nine.coma, founded by Yandex’s media director Daniel Trabun and comic book publisher Maxim Chumin, works as an art platform for illustrators who create images based on dreams in various styles, from cartoons to realism and from graphics to psychedelic designs. All dreams featured are authentic: seen and retold by real people.

03:45 �� And I end up in the clouds. | И оказываюсь в облаках. #9coma29

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The illustrations are captioned with synopses in English and Russian, and each dream is spread over several consecutive posts. A new dream series is published approximately once a week, and all start with a picture of a person sleeping (like, for example, this one), with the illustrator and the owner of the dream often tagged.